Well, we were waiting for the snow and we got it! Once the snow started on Friday, it came down so fast that going home was an adventure. I tried to dig out the car closest to the bottom of the driveway so I could go to yoga on Saturday morning, but couldn't do it. Saturday night, all four of us took that bottom car to a party in Norwalk, and ended up pushing it off the driveway at midnight that night. Sunday was another day when none of us went anywhere; there is a downside to living in the highest-up house on Long Island Sound in Connecticut! We're 85 feet above sea level, and the water is right at the bottom of our driveway. If we miss the road by much, we're toast. Our plowing company had gone out of business since last winter, but hadn't bothered to tell us, so a BIG thank you to George Sanders of West Lake Landscaping, who saved the day (or night) by plowing us out on Saturday night. In the interim, we missed a couple of parties, but no days of work. Nature becomes much more important when you live so close to the water. When it's not snow or ice, it's flooding on Old Quarry Road or Route 146.
All that ice means that I haven't been running, either. I can't wait to get out there again! I'm just too clumsy to take the risk of falling. All those Christmas cookies and no exercise is not a good combination, though.
Our New York Times did come on all those days, however, and I got to read about Carl Icahn's suit against Realogy. Realogy is the parent corporation of Coldwell Banker, C21, Sotheby's, ERA, and CB Commercial. They have a LOT of debt, and they were trying to restructure by replacing the debt people already held with less debt of a higher caliber. Carl Icahn didn't like that, and the court agreed with him. It may be tough to be an independent company in this market, but at least we don't have billions of dollars of debt. Now they're looking for another way to restructure. Maybe they'll start by spending only what they have to spend--there's a novel idea!