I'm looking at the figures for June and July in our New Haven office, and they're great! We sold as many units in those two months as we did year-to-date through May, and the two months together were 50% over June and July of last year in both units and volume! This week was the best week they've had in at least two years. What's particularly surprising is that it's happening in what is usually a very slow month, and finally hot and humid to boot. Maybe all the hype about hitting bottom is old news, and we're on the way up!
The Case-Shiller index for last month also showed a halt in the decline of prices, and it corroborates my earlier paragraph. We are also finding our Wallingford Regional office to be running ahead of last year in sales, so it's not just New Haven (although Yale continues to be a driving force in the local real estate market).
I was at the Lexus dealer yesterday, and Dave McDermott and I had a friendly argument as to whose business was worse this year. He has trouble with my argument that at least he has his excellent service department to bring in revenues. Dave says that customers want to buy, and that credit is the issue. I'd say we're both in much the same situation, although, if he reads this blog, he's going to think we're in clover now. I wish...