The much-maligned Foxy Roxy went on to pose for Playboy–she says she did it so she could pay her divorce attorneys–write some books set in the Palm Beach milieu she once inhabited, and marry a few more times. She and her fifth husband, retired management consultant Tim Boberg, settled into late-life marital bliss on an approximately 3.5 acre estate near Telluride, CO they acquired in 2001 for $5,500,000.
If we've said it once we've said it 42,000 times before, the rich and/or famous can be fickle when it comes to their real estate. According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, after spending around $8,500,000 on improvements Miz Pulitzer and her fifth mister ran out of home improvement and expansion projects–she told the WSJ that she "can't stand him [Fifth Mister] at home without a project"–and earlier in the year their home on the market with an asking price of $19,900,000.
The rambling 23,124 square foot log cabin meets Palm Beach style mansion has 7 bedrooms, 8 full and 5 half crappers including a 4,000 square foot master suite, a computerized state of the art bowling lane, 100-foot long indoor pool with waterfall and spa, 8-seat home theater, sun room outfitted with plant misters and grow lights, a fitness room full of body torture devices, 4-car temperature controlled garage, heated pathways, patios and motor court, a full-scale outdoor replica of the Labyrinth at Chartres in France, a private golf fairway, putting green and bunker, an art gallery, and a 2-lane 150-foot long computer controlled indoor shooting range with separate ventilation system.
Lowerd have mercy, children, it boggles and betwixts Your Mama's pea brain to try and calculate the finances and quantify the sharp organizational skills needed to manage the staff required to maintain this property properly. You need a pool man, a greens keeper for the golf course and gardeners galore for everything else. Then there's a strapping and barely clothed work-out buddy, movie equipment technician, bowling alley waxer, and a marksman who knows how to operate a variety of hand guns and other semi-automatic weaponry. You need a minimum wage terlit gurl whose superstitions will not be tweaked by the 13 terlits, a window washer, wash woman, and meal preparer. About the only person not needed here is a well-formed young man to shovel the snow from the pathways, patios and motor court since they are all, as aforementioned, heated at great cost for winter time convenience.
As noted in the Wall Street Journal, Miz Pulitzer and Mister Boberg's mansion is just a short hop to the Telluride ski-chalet that Jerry and Jessica Seinfeld recently listed with an asking price of $18,300,000.
listing photo: Sotheby's International Realty