This is not the first time Miz Weastler and Mister Korzen have attempted to unload their storied estate located just couple hundred feet as the crow flies from Madonna's west coast abode and a few short blocks from the recently expanded and rehabbled mansion Jennifer Aniston just sold to a mutual fund mogul from Orange County for a toe curling $35,000,000.
Anyhoo, Your Mama discussed the rather epic Wearstler-Korzen crib in much detail and at great length back in February 2010 when the Tinseltown Celebrity Real Estate Gossip Grapevine was rife with rumors the pampered pair were surreptitiously shopping the property off-market with a staggering $50,000,000 price tag.
The 3.2 acre gated estate includes an 11,000-plus square foot multi-winged mansion that wraps around a small courtyard and contains–as per the L.A. County Tax Man–8 bedrooms and 10 bathrooms. There's also an extensive swimming pool complex with semi-circular cabana/guest house, broad sloping lawns, formal gardens, tennis court, and a long, double-wide celebrity-style driveway that swoops up from the street and around the house to a vast, parking lot-sized motor court perfect for when a couple hundred of your closet pals and associates come by for some booze and a bite.
Iffin the children want to read (and read and read) our admittedly (far too long) February 2010 discussion of Mister Korzen and Miz Wearstler's plum property, click here. We suggest before clicking over that y'all settle into a cozy, well-lit spot because, bunny rabbits, Your Mama was even more loquacious and purple than usual so you're likely to need an alcoholic beverage, candy snack, and the better part of an afternoon a day to get through the whole damn thing.
Don't say you weren't warned iffin you fail to heed Your Mama's sage advice and get thirsty and headache-y with hunger when you realize you're only half way through the tome-length discussion.
listing photos (from February 2010): Everett Fenton Gidley for Westside Estate Agency